Thursday, 16 June 2011

No, there is not going to be another ice age

Yet more utter nonsense spreading like a global warming-fuelled wildfire. Once again, the claim is being made that the sun is about to enter another grand minimum, plunging the Earth into another ice age.!

Let's assume that the sun really is going to enter another grand minimum - and that's really little better than a guess on the part of the physicists. Even then, a study out last year concluded that it would lower the temperature by just -0.3 C by 2100, which won't even begin to offset the temperature rise of over 4 C we are currently on course for.

In other words, we're pumping such incredible amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere that even a relatively large fall in the amount of heat reaching us from the sun will make little difference.

It is pretty depressing, if totally unsurprising, how many news sources are reporting this rubbish without even bothering to check it.


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